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Option 1: Instant download Writable-Fillable Journal-Planner. PDF file.

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Journal-Planning is for when:

  • You feel extremely busy yet find yourself emotionally numb,
  • You're more frazzled than fulfilled in a topic,
  • You're confusing contentment with mediocrity or boredom,
  • You want to REMAIN more in Spirit rather than triggers,
  • You have an intense passion, but don’t know how to expand it.


Just start. People are terrified to write down their thoughts! They don't want to, they don't know how to, and they don't know the benefit of doing so. They're afraid to mess up, afraid to mark in a book, afraid to sound stupid, afraid of say horrible thoughts. Just work through each page at your own pace. There are no wrong answers and you can't mess this up. Just do it, because it starts to wake up your brain circuitry of Vision that has been slumbering for a long time.


Be aware of the two extremes that may grab your attention:

(1) criticizing the content which will tell you not to start, and

(2) doubting yourself which will tell you this is too hard, too dumb and you won't finish, etc.


You already know what to do but how will you go from knowledge to action! You need mental fuel, you need emotional fire, you need rest, fun, play, encouragement, and support...and you are the only one who can build that into your life.


No one is coming to save you or do it for you. The faster you become your own cheerleader, support, and emotional triage center the faster your inner peace ROOTS in each area of your life that needs assistance. This is a journaling process of assessing your habits. It ain't easy and it will take a lot of energy. Therefore, give yourself grace and grit to do THE WORK of detaching from the cares of this world, while continuing to align in healthy connection with LIFE around you.


Hard copy options through Amazon:

Paperback $15.00

Hardcover $22.00


PDF file: 89 pages.


Search Title: Habits Create You, you Create Habits by Shelly Vargo.

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