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A simple, POWERFUL tool to learn any skill or strengthen (mature) spiritually/emotionally/ (visual reminders). Don't let the elementary concept sway you into scoffing! Set before your eyes reminders.


To make positive changes, it takes a system of rewiring past programmed negative thought patterns. YOU ARE GENIUSLY CREATIVE to push yourself towards delight, awe & wonder.


This short but intense heart & mind training uses short journal prompts. Contemplating in healthy ways helps to unclog rusty thinking. When you have a plan, you can rest at ease to know that you are moving forward in a positive direction. 


Rest, grow & play can be your motto for the day. 


What you receive in this download:

2 page PDF download:


8 card templates to cut out.

  1. Taking all thoughts captive to Jesus
  2. Overwhelmed thoughts to take captive
  3. Proverbs 23:7 Your thoughts guide you
  4. Thoughts about responsibilities
  5. Logistics of home life
  6. Strengthen a discipline
  7. Focus & refocus
  8. Thoughts about truth


A Mini Journaling Boost

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    Established 2016

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